Don Bosco Thanjavur with its motto, ‘to ignite heart, mind and soul,’ aims at imparting quality education and holistic formation to children who are from rural villages. The School is proud to offer students the best possible opportunities to become confident, sincere and sensitive leaders of our nation in future. The School gives importance to the formation of habits of discipline, study, self-reliance and moral values, so as to make the students better human being and worthy citizens of the country. Students are educated in an environment that is child-friendly and eco-friendly. The School has created an atmosphere where one feels safe, secure, spontaneous and happy. Children are given their rights and treated with dignity and gentleness.
REV. FR. thomas LOUIS
“A child is a unique gift of God to humanity with a bundle of talents hidden inside. A teacher as a mentor, nurturer, healer and an inspirer polishes the various talents and virtues of the child to make him or her, a responsible citizen of the society. I always ask myself, “What should be the first priority in a student’s life?” The answer which I find is nothing but ‘time’. There are many factors which are responsible for one’s success, but ‘time’ stands high above all. All student’s success depends on how meticulously he or she plans the little time at his or her disposal to complete the plan of studies. Hundred percent devotion within a stipulated time-limit results in success.”
Education at Don Bosco School is designed to meet the needs of each individual student. It is our foremost priority to bring the best of your children, but we are not enough. You, the parents, must play a responsible key role in shaping children.
Your words of encouragement, your interest in your children’s work, and your presence at bringing them to school atleast weekly once are vital! Your involvement, concern will show your children that you value their education. Besides, our staff will remain as lifelong learners with open heart and mind to accept and apply new challenges and strategies to make sure that the children are always the ultimate winner in the school campus.
Let’s work together, to make your children as responsible citizens to reach new heights in order to make the world a better place to live.